- Project Research
- 1-5 Chapters
- Quantitative
- Simple Percentage
- Abstract : Available
- Table of Content: Available
- Reference Style: APA
- Recommended for : Student Researchers
- NGN 4000
BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY: Natural resources include the whole earth’s natural environment. A resource is anything that meets or satisfies human need or want of civilization. Early societies used wood rather easily taxed the extent of the earth’s resources turning to a new one to fill their needs when the old were used up. The renewable resources are fossils fuels, minerals etc. Man has been using these natural resources increasingly over the years to provide him with food, materials, and energy. The end result of this is the dangers of depletion of the non-renewable resources.
Renewable resources been used up faster than they are formed resulting in the pollution of the environment. If our existence on this planet is to continue, we have to conserve our natural resources (Ramalingan, et al, 1979). The term conservation came from two Latin word “Con” meaning together while “servare” means to keep or guard. Therefore, conservation literally means to keep together. Today, we think of conservation as using our natural resources wisely rather than keeping together in a status quo-situation. According to Ramalingua, et al (1979) to conserve something means to protect it and keep it in a healthy condition. In the present context conversation implies ensuring a high quality life for human by the wise use and management of natural environment. This definition has a broad scope, it thought about the protection of nature that is forest, soil, wild life etc to enrich our lives, the controlled and planned, production of useful materials, from the living environment such as crops, fisheries. The controlled use of possible idea is a corporate concept, if manipulation and decision making in regards to our natural resources but we must first know what our natural resources are and what part they play in the ecosystem. Aido Leopard (1979) a notable conservationist, pointed out that people must understand ecological process to practice conservation. The main purpose of conservation is to maintain a healthy6, functioning biosphere (part of the earth were there are living things) that will also provide us with our needs, including reservation of activities.