- Project Research
- 1-5 Chapters
- Quantitative
- Simple Percentage
- Abstract : Available
- Table of Content: Available
- Reference Style: APA
- Recommended for : Student Researchers
- NGN 4000
This study shows how to monitor the movement of cattle using wireless sensor nodes powered by a renewable energy source capable of detecting location, and incorporated in it all the available mobile networks to ensure that information about cattle location gets to the base in real-time. Performance analysis was carried out on the energy consumption pattern of the nodes which indicated that throughout the monitoring period, the average energy consumed by the nodes was thus; master node 6450 joules, node one 1680 joules, node two 1656 joules, node three 1676 joules, node four 1656 joules. The rate of energy consumption was sustained by the renewable energy source. It was equally observed that energy consumption increased depending on how often query was sent and how often the conditions of monitoring was violated. Monitoring of network signal strength was equally carried out which showed - 59dB for MTN, -83 dB for Airtel, - 87 dB for 9mobile and - 93dB for Glo at latitude 96012”04’ and longitude 65066”21’. -87dB for MTN, -51 dB for Airtel, -73dB for 9mobile, -77dB for Glo, at latitude 96021”75’ and longitude 65056”63’. -68dB for MTN, -53 dB for Airtel, -57 dB for 9mobile, -49 dB for Glo at latitude 96032”51’ and longitude 65057”32’. -87dB for MTN, - 78dB for Airtel, -51 dB for 9mobile, - 94dB for Glo, at latitude 96014”09’ and longitude 65072”63’. Also the average signal strength for MTN was -75.25dB, Airtel was -62.25dB, 9mobile was -67dB, and Glo was -72.25dB This is to guarantee that information about cattle location gets to the base without delay due to network failure which has been a major challenge faced with the current existing systems in tackling cattle rustling